Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bottled Water Contains Much More Bacteria Than Tap Water

70 percent of bottled-water samples exceed regulatory standards for a certain type of bacteria.

Researchers at C-crest Laboratories Inc. in Canada arrived at that percentage by testing the most popular brands of bottled water on the market. (They don't call out the brands by name in their findings.) The United States Pharmacopeia, which sets standards for tap-water quality, states that water shouldn't contain more than 500 units of heterotrophic bacteria per milliliter. One of the bottled brands tested at 80,000 units.

Heterotrophic bacteria gets its energy from carbon. Not much is known about the way heterotrophic bacteria affects humans, and some scientists suspect it doesn't pose much of a threat. However, it is associated with the E. coli bacteria; high levels of heterotrophic bacteria could signal that the water has other, more dangerous contaminants.

Something to think about, if you weren't already turned off by spending your hard-earned money on something that literally falls from the sky.

Friday, June 4, 2010

अगर धूप चुरा ले रूप...

गर्मियों के मौसम में लाख कोशिशों के बावजूद धूप का असर स्किन पर दिखने ही लगता है। अगर आप अपनी खूबसूरती बरकरार रखना चाहती हैं , तो आइए हम आपको बताते हैं कुछ खास फेशियल्स के बारे में:

त्वचा को हुए नुकसान को फेशियल्स के जरिए दूर किया जा सकता है। जाहिर है , हर तरह की समस्या के लिए अलग - अलग फेशियल्स हैं। यह आप किसी ब्यूटी क्लिनिक , पार्लर या फिर घर में भी कर सकते हैं।
स्किन व ब्यूटी एक्सपर्ट डॉ . सीमा मलिक का कहना है कि फेशियल्स के जरिए त्वचा को पहुंचे नुकसान को काफी हद तक दूर किया जा सकता है।

बायो लिफ्ट फेशियल
स्किन की गहराई से सफाई करने , उसे मसाज और नया लुक देने के साथ ही इन फेशियल्स में डार्क सर्कल को दूर करने वाले ट्रीटमेंट्स भी शामिल हैं। इस फेशियल का यूएसपी इसका बायो मास्क है , जो स्किन की टोनिंग कर इसमें कसाव लाता है। जाहिर है , इससे स्किन को यंग अपील मिलती है।

एएचए फेशियल्स
अल्फा हाइड्रॉक्सी एसिड्स हमें फ्रूट्स व फ्लॉवर्स से मिलते हैं और उम्र व पलूशन के असर को दूर करने में ये खासे कारगर हैं। इस फेशियल में एएचए युक्त प्रॉडक्ट्स यूज किए जाते हैं , जो स्किन की पिग्मेंटेशन व रिंकल्स को दूर कर इसे स्मूद व हेल्दी टच देते हैं। इसमें फ्रूट्स स्किन की जरूरत के हिसाब से चुने जाते हैं। मसलन रूखी त्वचा के लिए केला और ऑयली स्किन के लिए ऑरेंज यूज किए जाते हैं। बेहतर नतीजों के लिए फेशियल लेजर व अल्ट्रासोनिक मशीनों के जरिए एएचए को त्वचा में गहराई तक उतारा जाता है।
आप यंग स्किन मास्क या एंजाइम मास्क भी इस फेशियल के साथ ट्राई कर सकती हैं। इनमें मौजूद कोलेजन व एंजाइम्स त्वचा को नेचरल तौर पर हील करते हैं।

गैल्विनिक फेशियल
यह एक हाई - टेक स्किन ट्रीटमेंट है , जिसे इलेक्ट्रोड्स की मदद से किया जाता है। इसमें त्वचा की बाहरी खराब परत को पीलिंग के जरिए उतारा जाता है। इसके अलावा , इसमें हल्के गैल्वेनिक करंट के जरिए स्किन में वॉटर - सॉल्यूबल न्यूट्रिएंट्स उतारे जाते हैं , ताकि इसमें मॉइश्चर की कमी न हो।

ग्लो फेशियल
इसमें स्क्रब के साथ स्किन टाइप के अनुसार स्पेशल क्रीम्स यूज की जाती हैं। ग्लो पैक में ब्राइडल लोशन भी इस्तेमाल होता है , जिससे चेहरे पर कम से कम 15 दिन तक खूब निखार रहता है।

कोलेजन फेशियल
इससे स्किन को प्रोटीन मिलते हैं , जिससे इसकी क्वॉलिटी इंप्रूव होती है। यह पिग्मेंटेशन व रिंकल्स को दूर करने में कारगर है। इसमें एक्सफोलिएशन , वॉर्म स्टीम , डीप पोर क्लींजिंग , लिम्फेटिक ड्रेनेज मसाज और ड्राई कोलेजन शीट पर हीलिंग मिनरल या पैराफिन मास्क लगाया जाता है , ताकि स्किन पूरी तरह हाइड्रेट हो सके। यह सभी स्किन टाइप पर करवाया जा सकता है।

फोटो फेशियल
इसमें लाइट की स्ट्रॉन्ग पल्स स्किन में छोड़ी जाती है , इसलिए इसे ट्रेंड मेडिकल प्रफेशनल्स से ही करवाना चाहिए। वैसे , यह इंटरनल टिशूज का मेटाबॉलिज्म बढ़ाता है। यह स्किन इंफेक्शंस , रिंकल्स के अलावा हाइपर पिग्मेंटेशन को दूर करने में भी फायदेमंद रहता है। इसे गर्दन व बाजूओं पर भी करवाया जा सकता है।

पैराफिन फेशियल
इसमें चेहरे पर स्पेशल पैराफिन मास्क लगाया जाता है , जिससे त्वचा की खोई रौनक व रंगत लौट आती है।

होम ट्रीटमेंट
टैनिंग को दूर करने के लिए आप होम ट्रीटमेंट्स भी ट्राई कर सकती हैं। मेकअप एक्सपर्ट सिमी घई इनको हफ्ते में तीन बार लगाने की सलाह देती हैं।

- चार बड़े चम्मच दूध में एक बड़ा चम्मच शहद व दो बड़े चम्मच नीबे का रस मिलाएं और टैन हुई स्किन पर 15 मिनट के लिए लगाकर छोड़ दें। सूखने के बाद ठंडे पानी से धो दें। यह ऑयली स्किन के लिए अच्छा ट्रीटमेंट है।
- चार बड़े चम्मच योगर्ट में दो बड़े चम्मच शहद व तीन बड़े चम्मच नीबू का रस मिलाएं। अगर यह पतला लगे , तो इसमें थोड़ा सा कॉर्न स्टार्च मिला लें। थोड़ी देर बाद ठंडे पानी से धो दें।

गर्म हवा व पसीने के चलते त्वचा के टिशू डैमेज हो जाते हैं और त्वचा की बाहरी परत को काफी नुकसान पहुंचता है , जिससे यह मुरझाई हुई नजर आती है। ऐसे में त्वचा को निखारने के लिए एक्सफोलिएशन जरूरी है।
- एक छोटे चम्मच ओटमील में इतना ही बेकिंग सोडा मिलाएं और पेस्ट बना लें। चेहरे पर 2-3 मिनट के लिए रगड़ें और फिर साफ पानी से धो लें। यह हर तरह की त्वचा के लिए अच्छा है।
- एक छोटे चम्मच बेसन में एक छोटा चम्मच नीबू का रस , 2-3 पुदीने के पत्ते , बिना चिकनाई की दही व थोड़ी सी कतरी हुई गाजर मिलाएं और चेहरे पर लगाकर कुछ देर के लिए छोड़ दें। अब हल्के हाथों से रगड़ते हुए उतार दें।

तेज टोनर त्वचा को नुकसान पहुंचाते हैं। नेचरल टोनिंग के लिए एलोवेरा का एक पत्ता तोड़ें और इससे निकलने वाले जूस को थोड़े से गुलाब जल में मिला लें। इसे मिक्सचर को आप टैनिंग , क्लोगिंग वगैरह से बचने के लिए लगा सकती हैं।

कैसा हो मेकअप
अगर आप एंटी - टैनिंग ट्रीटमेंट ले रही हैं , तो आपको अपने मेकअप पर भी ध्यान देना होगा। इसकी शुरुआत स्किन पर अच्छा मॉइश्चराइजर लगाने से करें। इसके बाद प्राइमर या प्री - बेस लगाएं , जो त्वचा और मेकअप के बीच में एक बैरियर का काम करता है। अब अपने कॉम्प्लेक्शन से मेल खाता लिक्विड फाउंडेशन लगाएं और थोड़े लूज पाउडर से सेट कर लें।

मेकअप एक्सपर्ट मीनाक्षी दत्त कहती हैं , ' आप चाहें , तो क्रीम ब्लशर भी यूज कर सकती हैं , लेकिन इसे ब्रश की बजाय उंगलियों से लगाएं। इससे स्किन प्रॉब्लम की संभावना कम होगी। ' आंखों व होठों के लिए मीनाक्षी सीजन के मुताबिक मेकअप करने की सलाह देती हैं।

ऐसे बचें टैनिंग से
- घर से बाहर निकलने से पहले कम से कम 15 एसपीएफ वाला सनस्क्रीन जरूर लगाएं। यह यूवी ए व बी , दोनों को रोकने वाला होना चाहिए।
- अगर सुबह 10 से शाम 4 बजे तक बाहर निकलना पड़े , तो सभी खुले हिस्सों पर अच्छी तरह सनस्क्रीन लगाएं।
- टैनिंग से बचने के लिए बैलेंस्ड डाइट लें और खूब पानी पीएं।
- ऑयली चीजों को अवॉइड करें।
- पूरी बांहों वाली ड्रेसेज पहनें , इससे टैनिंग ज्यादा नहीं होगी। हो सके , तो साथ में छाता लेकर चलें।

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

legs Excercise

1. Squats Exercise - 

Build Muscle mass/Tone with the King of LeExercises

Nothing comes close to Squats Exercises to Build Thigh Muscles and Bodybuilders swear by its name. Learn how best to do Squats to build bigger thigh Muscles.

Squats Start 
Purpose -- To Build Muscle Mass in the Thighs.
If there is only one exercise you want to do for Legs, then it should be Squats. Nothing compares to it.
Execution Technique.
You can use either Squats Machine or Free weights to perform Squats. The best way is to perform on a Power Rack {Very Safe}.
Stance -- The basic stance is feet-shoulder-width-apart. A wider stance works on the inside of the thigh to a greater degree and a narrower stance works on the outside of the thigh to a greater degree.

Midpoint Position
1. Step on the rack so that the Barbell rests across the back of your shoulders. {Raise the barbell and get away from the rack if you are doing with free weights}.
2. Bend your knees and lower yourself with your back straight and head up until your thighs are parallel to the ground. You can also go a little below the parallel if there is no reason not to go deep. I always do squats through full range of motion and make sure my hips are below my knees, i.e. I go below parallel.
3. Now raise yourself up using only the thigh power keeping your back straight to a position with legs nearly locked out.

Points to remember
  • Exhale while you exert.{ While moving up here }
  • Warm up well before Heavy Squats
  • Concentrate on form
  • Go as Heavy as possible
Squats are one of the toughest exercises to perform so many avoid them altogether and go with Leg Presses and lunges. And of course not many have the body they desire!!! Remember what you put in is what you get out and when it comes to thighs{ entire Lower body for that matter} Squats are the King.
Just to it.

Squats FAQs

  1. Is Squats prone to Injury?
Any exercise done incorrectly can lead to injury and squats is no exception.
  • Perform squats in controlled form with optimum weight.
  • Avoid leaning too far forward as the involvement of back muscles increases causing back injury. Maintaining a near-erect posture reduces the compressive effect on the discs.
  • Squats is a multi-joint exercise using more muscles than most people know. Squats is a delicate balance between quadriceps and hamstrings and I suggest that you always perform squats full range and go below parallel to get the most of this wonderful exercise.
  • American College of Sports Medicine recommends that a weight lifting belt should be used for very heavy lifts although a rise in intra-abdominal pressure has been shown to cause injuries in squats.
All in all, Squats is not an exercise you would want to miss unless you have had an injury before. In such a case get a physical examination done by a sports medicine specialist.

  1. Should I go deeper than knee parallel?
If there is no contraindication like poor flexibility and knee problems, then I suggest you go a little below the parallel at least. Numerous studies have shown that there is NO danger to the much debated patellofemoral joint when you go beyond knee deep.
Did you know that in Olympic Squat Lifts, the lift is not complete until the lifter breaks the parallel! The lift has to such that the crease where the thigh meets the torso should be lower than the knee.
Would you rather do partials or Full range moves? That should answer whether you should go just parallel or beyond in squats. [Hint - Full ROM is always the best bang for your energy].
   3.   Can you Partial Squats?
Yes you can. But half squats build stronger quadriceps only as the hamstrings are no totally called for. Make sure you do full squats 3 out of every 4 times. 

2. Leg Presses --

Build Thigh Muscles to Perfection

Leg Press is an one of the best exercise to Build Thigh Muscles. Check out the correct technique and learn how to do it correctly.

-- To Build Muscle Mass of the Thigh Muscles.
If you have Back problems or are concerned about lower back pressure then Leg Presses are the best thigh Building and toning exercise.

Leg Press 
Start Position
Execution Technique.
There are 2 types of Leg Presses
1. The Diagonalor Vertical Sled type Leg Press seen in a few gyms where weights are attached directly to sled mounted on rails and you sit below the sled pushing the weights with his feet upwards.
2. The Seated Leg Press where you sit upright and push your feet forward.

Stance -- The basic stance is feet-together stance.

Leg Press 
Midpoint Position
1. Position yourself under the machine {Vertical Type} and sit upright {Seated type} and place the feet together placed against the crosspiece.
2. Bend your knees and allow the weight to lower itself until your knees are near 90 degrees.
3. Now extend your legs and press the weight back.
Points to remember
  • Move only legs and don't use your arms to push the knees.
  • Concentrate on form
  • Go as Heavy as possible
There is a variation in Leg Press, called Leg Press - toe-apart position dealt in the Advanced Training Principles Section.

3. Leg Curls - 

Building Hamstring Muscles just got easier.

Purpose -- To Build Muscle Mass in the Hamstrings{ Back of thigh Muscles }

Execution Technique.

This exercise is done on a Leg Curl machine. They can be Lying or Standing Hamstring Curl machines.

Leg Curls 
Purpose -- To Build Muscle Mass in the Hamstrings{ Back of thigh Muscles }

Execution Technique.

This exercise is done on a Leg Curl machine. They can be Lying or Standing Hamstring Curl machines.

Leg Curls 
1. Lie face down on a lying leg curl machine and extend your legs straight. Position your legs under the support pads.
2. Curl your legs as far as possible until they are fully contracted {heals up  towards your buttocks }. Hold the handles or bench to prevent yourself from lifting off the bench. Keep the movement smooth.
3. Lower the weight to the starting position.
Points to remember
  • Exhale while you exert.
  • Go full range.
  • Avoid jerky movements
A Variation of this exercise is using a Standing Hamstring Curl done one leg at a time.

4. Calf Raises- 

Best Calf Muscle Building Exercise

Calf Muscle Exercises are performed to build 2 basic calf muscles, soleus and gastrocnemius. Seated Calf Raises is the best Calf Muscle Exercise to build quality calves.

Calves are a very aesthetic body part but alas many weight trainers including bodybuilders skip calf training .
Ideally calf muscles should be equal to biceps to be considered fully developed.
If you are lacking on calf muscle development consider Weak Point training with priority training.

The different Calf Muscle Exercises

1. Standing and Seated Calf raises
2. Donkey Calf Raises
3. One legged calf raises.
Seated and Standing Calf Raises are the best exercises to Build Calf Muscles. Learn how to do these to build highly aesthetic calves.
Calves Raise 
Up Position
Calf Raises - The Best Calf Muscle Builder
Purpose -- To Build Overall Muscle Mass in the Calves.
If there is only one exercise you want to do for Calves, then it should be Calf Raises. It is the overall Calf Muscle Builder. Nothing compares to it.

Execution Technique.

Calf Raises can be performed Standing or Seated { on Leg Press Machine }. Standing Raises is the gold standard exercise.

Calves Low 
Down Position
Stance -- The basic stance is feet-shoulder-width-apart.
1. Step on a Calf Raise Machine with your toes on a block and heals extended into space. Place the shoulders under the pads and hook the weight off the support.
2. Lower your heals as far as possible towards the floor. Keep your knees slightly bent.
3.Now raise yourself up using only the toes and come as far as possible.
Go as heavy as possible. With time you can perform partial repetitions once you get tired on a set.
One Leg Calf Raises
This is done just like the Two leg Raises but you raise one calf at a time. Ithelps isolate and build each Calf muscle separately.
Points to remember
  • Exhale while you exert.{ While moving up here }
  • Go full range of motion.
  • Use high blocks
  • Go as Heavy as possible
Many people miss calf training completely. Nothing looks bad { esp. on a beach} to have muscular thighs with skinny calves. Just like abs, calves can be very aesthetic looking, and they are an absolute must if you want to ever compete.

Just to it.

5. Best Hamstring Exercises & 

Workouts to build leg biceps

Best Hamstring exercises to develop Hamstring muscles including Leg curls, Straight-leg deadlifts, squats, lunges and Good mornings. Check the correct technique and workouts to blast your hamstring muscles.
Hamstrings are usually a neglected area. Many people even professionals do not train them hard. But these hamstring exercises done properly can make the difference.
Hamstring muscles are also called the Leg biceps.

The Best Hamstring Exercise

The primary exercises for developing the hamstrings is the Leg Curls, done either lying or single legged standing Leg curls.
Leg curls should be the foundation of your Hamstring muscle development. Its the best exercise to develop this area which also gets stimulation from squats and Lunges especially during the lower half range of motion.
So Leg curls hits these area directly and got to be included in every leg training workout.

Other Hamstring Exercises

Straight Leg deadlifts and Good mornings although are primarily lower back exercises also provide a good stretch to hamstring and glutes. These exercises can be performed after you have done with Leg curls.

Sample Hamstring Workouts

Hamstring Muscles respond to stretches and therefore a good hamstring stretch should be the first part of your Leg training. Check these Hamstring stretches to learn more.

Workout # 1
Leg Curls   4 sets of 10,8,6,4 reps

Workout # 2

Leg Curls 3 sets of 8,6,4 reps
Straight Leg deadlifts 3 sets of 8,6,4 reps.

Although I suggest that you do not perform any other body part along with Leg training as it is so demanding, combining lower back exercises along with legs is a good idea as most of the exercises involve both these large muscle groups.

6. Barbell Lunges exercise 

to build muscular thighs and glutes

Heavy Barbell Lunges is a power move to build Thigh muscles. Learn the correct technique and blast your thighs now.


To Build thigh and butt muscles.


This exercise can be done with either Barbell or Dumbbell.

Lunges Start Position Barbell 
Lunges Midpoint Position
A feet together stance is recommended.


  1. Holding a barbell behind the neck stand upright.
  2. Keeping your back straight take a step forward bending your knees and getting them as close to the floor as possible.
  3. Push yourself back to the starting position and repeat with the other foot.

Points to Remember

  • Exhale while you exert.
  • Bend as far and low as possible without losing form.

    7. Dumbbell Squats Exercise 

    to build Thigh Muscles

    Dumbbell Squats is an excellent alternative to Barbell Squats to build quality muscle mass in the legs. Check the correct execution and build muscular thighs now.


    To Build Muscle Mass in the Thighs.

    Dumbbell Squats Start Position

    This exercise is done standing with a pair of Dumbbells.

    1. Grab hold of a pair of heavy dumbbells and stand upright with feet shoulder feet apart.
    2. Bend your knees and lower yourself with your back straight and head up until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

    Dumbbell Squats Midpoint Position 3. Now raise yourself up using only the thigh power keeping your back straight to a position with legs nearly locked out.
    Points to remember
  • Exhale while you exert.
  • Warm up well before Heavy Squats.

More About Legs

best legs
 exercise anatomy
It is Not as Simple as just Quads and Hamstrings
Leg muscle anatomy may seem straight forward when you look at a simple anatomy chart but is more complex.
Some muscles or parts of the muscles in the legs are responsible for multiple actions and act on both the hip and knee joints.

The quadriceps or "quads" is one of the largest muscles in your body.  Many of the best leg exercises focus on the quads.  The primary function of the quadriceps is leg extension.  Leg extension is the motion of extending your knee like kicking a ball.
The hamstrings flex (curl) your leg.  If you were standing and lifted your heel back to try to touch your butt your hamstrings would perform the action.

There are 3 gluteal muscles.  You have heard of the gluteus maximus which is the largest muscle in your body.  There is also the gluteus minimus and medius.  The group is often referred to as the glutes.
The primary function of the glutes is to extend your hip but they have many other functions such as leg abduction which is moving your leg away from your body to the side.

Hip Flexors
The hip flexors are the muscles which lift your knee up as if you were about to march.  The hip flexors are a chronic tight muscle which causes posture problems.

The adductor complex is the group of muscles of your inner thigh.  The primary function of the adductors is to adduct your legs.  Adduction is the moving of moving your legs together from away from your body.

Abduction is the motion of moving a leg to the side away from your body.  You may have heard your abductors referred to as your outer thighs.

To Avoid Knee Injury it is Helpful to Learn the Basic Structure of the Knee Joint

The Knee Actually Consists of 3 different Articulations or Joints

It is important you know the difference between the 3 articulations to avoid injury while your perform the best leg exercises.  The first joint is the tibiofibular joint.  It connects the tibia and fibula, the lower leg bones.  It is an arthroidial joint which means it allows very little motion.  You do not have to worry about injuring your tibiofemoral jointbest leg exercises knee

The 2 Joints You Should be Familiar with in the Knee

Tibiofemoral Joint
The tibiofemoral joint is the articulation of the largest bone in your body, the femur (upper leg bone) and the tibia (larger of the 2 lower leg bones.)

The Tibiofemoral Joint is Supported by 4 Ligaments

You may have heard many times about injuries to the knee ligaments specifically the ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament.)  The tibiofemoral joint is also supported by the 3rd joint involved in the knee the patellofemoral joint.
ACL and MCL sprains and tears are common sports injuries.
This may be misleading because most of the injuries are due to trauma which is one specific event.  The tibiofemoral joint is less likely to have problems related to weight training or cardio exercise.

Patellofemoral Jointbest legs exercise
The patellofemoral joint is the articulation of the patella (kneecap) and the femur.

The Patellofemoral Joint is Prone to Chronic Injuries

Chronic injuries are overuse injuries.  Overuse injuries happen over time and are associated with a specific repetitive motion.  This constant overload will eventually cause an injury.
Common chronic injuries of the patellofemoral joint are runner's knee and jumper's knee. 
Runners Knee is the name given for chondromalacia patellae which is the degeneration of the back of the kneecap.
Jumper's knee is patellar tendonitis which is inflammation of the patellar ligament which is often referred to as a tendon.
Patellofemoral joint problems are frustrating to most active people because they take a long time to heal with complete rest.
Overuse injuries can be exacerbated by muscle imbalances, posture problems, and poor exercise form.  Be very cautious while you perform the best leg exercises.  If you ever experience knee pain, you may need to take a step back.

How are Problems and Injuries with the Knees Avoided ?

Since Exercise in the Gym Consists of Repetitive Motions; Protecting the Patellofemoral Joint is a Must

This means proper form is necessary at all times when you perform the best leg exercises.  The easiest way to minimize stress on the patellofemoral joint is to be aware of the relationship of your knees to your toes during the best leg exercises.
Specifically, your center of gravity should not  travel forward while your patellofemoral joint is bearing a load.  This simply means keep your hips from traveling forward while your knees are bearing a load.
You can avoid potential patellofemoral problems by using proper form.  If you have posture problems which make it extremely difficult or impossible to maintain proper form you may want to visit a physical therapist or personal trainer who can diagnose and run you through a corrective stretching program to correct the muscle muscle imbalances which cause the posture problems.

Don't skip brain food - eat your breakfast

Are you suffering from acidity, obesity or reduced attention span? Perhaps you are skipping breakfast, also called brain food and the most important meal of the day.

People in cities tend to give breakfast a miss perhaps due to hectic lifestyles or in the belief that it will keep them slim. But experts say it could end up making people obese.

"People do not seem to have time for breakfast these days. They have every reason to avoid the healthy tradition of having a good nutritious breakfast," Anita Jatana, chief dietician at the Batra Hospital here, told IANS.

Describing it as a change in perception and lifestyle, she said: "People usually do not eat because of their tight work schedules, late night dinners, zero figure obsession or just anything else that keeps them away from a healthy breakfast."

According to the dieticians, breakfast is most essential. They say breakfast must be balanced and should include nutrients like calcium (milk or milk products), proteins and fibre (sprouts or cereal), and some amount of antioxidants (apples, strawberries, banana, oranges, etc) and vitamins.

"Often called 'brain food', breakfast needs to be wholesome and it should essentially contain all the vital nutrients that the body craves for," Ritika Samadar, chief dietician at Max Hospital, told IANS.

A nutritious breakfast is necessary to keep the body's metabolism going properly.

"Generally, there is a gap of 10 to 12 hours between the dinner and breakfast and it is anyway very long for the body to resist." In case, breakfast is skipped, "we add some more hours, hence affecting the body's metabolism", Samadar said.

Jatana feels long gaps between meals can also cause digestion problems. "Not eating on time leads to a lot of ailments. Obesity, acidity, reduced attention span and ulceration are a few on the list."

Owing a great deal to Kareena Kapoor's size zero, people have become obsessed with ultra thin figures and they feel not eating will help lose weight. But experts say it is the beginning of many problems.

"People think that if they skip breakfast, they will lose weight. But it is a myth. They gain weight at a faster rate instead because they end up eating more than in the normal course," said Priti Vijay, head dietician at Max Hospital, Saket.

"In the long run, if more meals are skipped in a day than just the breakfast, it can also lead to shrinking of the stomach and intestines," Jatana said.

The ideal time for breakfast is between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Any delay results in weight gain.

"Half of overweight patients have a tendency to skip breakfast," said Vijay. "Some 60 to 70 percent patients who come to me with digestion or stomach-related problems or for advice on weight gain disclose that they frequently miss their breakfast."

Perhaps it is time to take an old proverb seriously - "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper".
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The best time to work out!

Is it better to exercise in the morning, or later in the day?

Let your circadian rhythms be your guide. In the afternoon or early evening, your core temperature is warmer. A warm core makes your muscles and joints more supple, which helps you avoid strains and sprains. That makes afternoon or early evening ideal for exercises that tap your muscles, like strength training, stretching, and interval workouts.

Mornings are good too!
On the other hand, if endurance activities are more your type —long brisk walks or bike rides — morning may be better. Your body’s core is cooler early in the day, which can make endurance activities seem less tiring. And there is less risk of overheating. But a good warm-up will be key, since your muscles are likely to be stiffer in the mornings.

No-Sweat Scheduling
Tune up your muscles, lungs, and heart with these well-timed workouts:
Mornings: Get energised. Walk your way to a slimmer you — in your own home!

After-noons: Muscle up your midday. It can be quick and easy. Then, get flexible with a chi-gong exercise.
Evenings: Stretch yourself to sleep. It really helps.
Stuck in an exercise rut? Get tips on diversifying your fitness portfolio — and make long-term health gains.

Live with effortless grace

a woman meditating.jpg
It was 9.30 in the morning. From my balcony on the eigth floor, I could see below a stream of shining cars crawling on the roads.

The traffic seemed chaotic, vehicles trying to get past the other, so much like situations we face in our chaotic lives, driven by competition.

A peaceful life is essentially a simple one and hence effortless. The sheer simplicity of peaceful life is a magnet that attracts, for deep within we identify with it. To be simple is not something external; we have to become simple and natural from within, be open to our own ‘internal self’, and perform actions knowing where they are leading to. One has to consciously bring about this change, as Paramhamsa Swami Niranjananda Saraswati of the Bihar School of Yoga, Munger says, “ To change externally is just a cosmetic change, it is feeding the intellect, the real change is internal.” Being open to our internal selves connects us to the fantastic inner world wherein in each one of us a `sage’ dwells. Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within and we no longer need approval of others. We stand tall and empowered, yet simple, natural and in harmony with self and others.

However, being at peace does not guarantee freedom. We all have responsibilities that bind us in many ways, creating a web around us in which we feel enmeshed. So how do we experience freedom? Though it may seem contradictory on the face of it but one who is disciplined is the one who experiences real freedom. Freedom, like peace, is an internal concept, we can experience freedom only when we feel freedom within us. A disciplined man is able to organise his life and take care of his responsibilities with aplomb, and thus he is set free. A disciplined man is able to achieve balance in life.

By virtue of our existence we live in a world of relationships with others. The only constant in life is change and that is true of relationships as well. Only relationship that does not change with time is the one between mother and child, where normally affection is unconditional. If we honestly view our relationships we will find that we are constantly `performing’ with others. We unleash words and thoughts often couched in terms of ‘love’ while the intent to have control over others. The moment we are able to stop `performing,’ relationships grow without expectations.

Once we simplify life and take decisions from deep within, infuse discipline in our lives and stop enacting dramas in our relationships we are at peace and free. Once at peace and free, happiness happens. Life becomes an expression of divine calmness and flows with effortless grace. One becomes a ‘farmer’ instead of a ‘warrior’. As Paramhamsa Swami Niranjananda Saraswati says, “In life become a farmer instead of a warrior; learn to nurture and take care and begin the process with yourself with your personality and mind. The victory of a warrior is accompanied by destruction while the victory of a farmer is accompanied by creation.”

The shrill note of a motorcar’s horn from the street below brought me back from my reverie. I saw a `warrior’ in a huge shining red car weaving his way aggressively through the traffic before I turned and went inside the apartment.

Unique ways to initiate sex

If the ‘once unique’ moves and grinds you made in bed have now turned into ‘predictable stuff’ for your woman, you better know that you are nearing the point where sex is just a chore and brushing up your tactics is the need of the hour. Its important to understand that ‘mystery’ holds its own charm between the sheets, but once things are foreseeable, boredom is bound to seep it. So what do you do now?

Well, its time to reel back the excitement by reigniting her curiosity with some unique ways to initiate sex. Rather than asking her, why not lure her into a steamy session? Let non-verbal cues take charge of initiating sex in some more surprising ways and you never know what surprises you are offered in return:

Cook up to a steamy night
There’s no better turn-on for a man than the sight of her man trying on his culinary skills only to impress her. So, use your kitchenette to the best of your use. Not only you’ll be required to make her favourite dishes, but feeding her yourself will only make it better. All the while she’s eating, brush up behind her, caress her and keep planting some kisses. By the time you guys are through with a sumptuous meal, you might just get rewarded with a quickie there on the kitchen counter!

Movie date?
Not at the theatre this time! Prepare for a movie slumber night in your living room instead. Get things in place. Rent a few romantic and sexy flicks, make her favourite snacks and get some wine. Since, creating the ambience for a sleepover is what we aim at, arranging for a cozy blanket and a few pillows won’t be a bad idea. Dress up in your comfy night wear and snuggle up to watch the movie. As the movie runs, start playing with her. Begin with some non-sensual touches and let the magic of sexy scenes take over to make the temperatures soar high. And soon she’ll be begging you for some real action.

Love games, anyone?
If you loved to play board games as kids, playing them now will be all the more exciting for you! We are talking about the adult versions here, where the dress code can be anything from a sassy lingerie to a cool underwear. How about a round of strip poker? While the options available are unlimited, fun and excitement depends upon how sportingly you take every rule of the game. Be it removing a piece of clothing every time you lose, or kissing the area that the winner demands ... you have to say yes to all!

Tattoo your love
Take it as your chance to put forth your creative skills. Temporary tattoo inks and body paints are easily available in the market. So, become a tattoo artist for her and let her paint you in return. The best bet in this session would be a chance to make a favourite motif on your favourite body part of your partner. And if that demands some skin show and a few touches here and there on that naked canvass ... that would just be a mood builder for a steamy night ahead.

Nothing sexier than a shower
Yes, there’s nothing more refreshing than a shower at the end of a tiring day. Add to it your beloved and you bet there can’t be anything sexier than that. Begin with a smooth soapy session, followed by some rubbing around her curves.... Once through, offer to massage her favourite body lotion to help her relax as you play with sensual movements to leave her begging to be taken to bed.

The basic idea it to excite her with subtle hints of the final reward, without asking her to give what you want. Don’t focus on the main act rather arouse her to a pitch where she is ready to melt in your arms.